It’s really not surprising that we are the most popular workshop for installation of a Gold Coast car alarm. Local suburbs literally “dominate” the top 20 spots for car thefts and crime and our very own Southport takes the dishonourable top spot overall.
Because of this we offer quality components from the most reputable vehicle security companies and we also take the installation seriously as perhaps your last line of defence against intruders or any would-be thieves.
Here are 3 ways in which we can secure your vehicle.

Car Alarms
First, the most obvious, is an alarm. These can be installed in your car, motorbike, trailer or any other vehicle running a 12/24v electrical system. Installing this device will add extra layers of security to your vehicle by warning intruders, disabling key ignition points and firing up an incredibly loud siren in case of emergency. Upgrades include different levels of security as well as convenience options for starting and disabling the vehicle.

GPS Tracking
Secondly is a GPS Tracker. This device offers real time location monitoring and through connection to your mobile device warns you of any activity detected such as going outside a marked zone. There is also the added security option to immobilise the vehicle once outside marked zones so it will not be able to start once outside the barrier.

Key Code Immobiliser
Third there is the key pad immobiliser. Before starting the vehicle a 4 digit code will need to input to enable starting of the car. This means even if your keys are taken the only people authorised to start your car are still in your control. An insurance companies favourite device.
We want to keep your vehicle safe and where you parked it. For more information for your Gold Coast Car Alarm and other vehicle security services you can contact us any time.
You can check out Mongoose, Viper and Codesafe for more information as well!